Career planning is the important decision of a student’s life. It not only determines material prosperity but the entire life style for the rest of once life. A student may plan his career in the field of IT, Management or Paramedical keeping in mind the following information.
Unlike the traditional industries the IT sector is people intensive and creates vast employment opportunities. It is estimated that total size of IT Industry in India will cross U.S. $ 2000 billion by 2010. And become the single largest contributor to the GDP. As per the Ministry of Information & technology, Govt.Of India Report, IT Industry will employ more than 90, 00,000 professionals by the year 2010.This would, however, include professionals for the hardcore IT Sector as well as for the IT enabled services.
There are many avenues for a computer professional. Contrary to the popular belief that one has to be technical to be successful in this field, it is seen that most of the careers in this industry are open to no technical people from any background.
It would be very useful to an individual with knowledge of computers could be doing in a computer industry. He could be a programmer working on various projects writing specific programmes which are project oriented. He could e an analyst undertaking the entire task of designing, writing and testing specific programmes for a firm or be a consultant catering to the needs of a wide range of clientele or maybe he could into marketing, selling computers, computer peripherals, software or consumables.
There being no dearth of requirement of trained there would always be opening for computer instructors with varying degree of skills, in the computer education industry, taking into account the growing number of institutes today.
Hardware refers to computer chips, circuit boards, computer systems, and related equipments like keyed equipment such as keyboards, modems, and printers. Hardware jobs are in manufacturing of computers and ancillaries, assembly, marketing and maintenance. As per NASSCOM the hardware industry revenues could touch $ 62 billion by 2010. This means that by 2010, Indian hardware industry can grow almost 12 times the existing market size with proportionate demand for hardware engineers.
Networking experts give connectivity to the various system nodes over a local or wide area network (LAN/WAN). Designing, building and maintaining information networks, within or between organizations, is their task. Networking is the fastest growing segment in the communication field, a growth of around 35% annually. The job entails analyzing, installing and configuring the company’s network. Monitoring network performance, troubleshooting and maintenance are major responsibilities. Emerging technology in network is internet security.
System Programmer / Software Engineer: System programmers research, develop and adapt application programs for computer system. In other words they direct the computer and tell it what to do and how to function. However, these two jobs can overlap and sometimes the same individual is responsible for both areas. System programmers and software engineers find employment with software firms, computer manufactures, large firms who use computers and develop their own programs.
Professionals in dot coms design web pages, or take up a technical job on the server side. Website of education, business, services, institutions, organizations, agencies provide ready options for work. Growth of the internet and expansion of the World Wide Web have generated a variety of occupations relating to the design, development and maintenance of Web sites and their servers.
People who enter data into the machine are existing in all user and consultancy units, large and small. In a large or medium firm where computer operators are involved in work on a large scale, there is usually the EDP manager for the information system. Computer operations involve data entry, desktop publishing, etc. Employment is in organization with the large database, in publishing and dot coms. Computer courses after 10+2 are required for these jobs. They often handle peripheral electronic devices.
Computer marketing people at the regional office are supported by other people who tell them what they should be selling to whom and what strength their products have over their competitors. Market researchers study their products and the competitors. Market analysis requires computer professionals with a marketing background. Options for jobs exist with manufacturing and software designing firms.
The computer industry provides services to departments of the same company or two individual clients. These services could range from renting PCs to publishing on a computer, helping customers select computers for developing software and training computer professionals. Many software professionals with experience have switched over to lucrative consultancy practices. The demand for specialist is also increasing. Even desktop publishing is catching on fast.